10 Tips to Help our Caregivers

As a caregiver you may have taken on multiple tasks for your loved on – transportation, cooking, cleaning, give medications and the list goes on. Caregivers are some of the most selfless people out there as they take on all of these “extras” on top of their daily needs – work, childcare, sporting events and more.

What we have seen over the years is that the caregivers feel that they need to be the strong one and don’t have outlets to destress. We are here to tell you that you need to lean on someone too! These 10 tips are for our caregivers:

Find someone to lean on.
Joining support groups, having a strong support system or having someone there just to talk will help extensively. You can find different types of support group for both you and your loved one here.

Do your research and ask questions.
Understanding your loved one’s cancer diagnosis and care plan will be the key to making your caregiving experience easier. Talk to a social worker, case manager, care team or doctor regularly asking them questions, so you understand every step of the cancer journey. Being prepared will give you a greater peace of mind throughout the entire process. Start by asking these questions of the cancer team you’re working with.

Take it one day at a time.
Cancer is stressful to begin with. Don’t bite off too much that you can no longer chew. Manage your schedule and the day’s priorities will help you feel more in control. Also, creating a new daily routine will help you and your loved one feel “normal” throughout the process.

Take a break.
There will be a lot going on during this cancer journey, it’s important to unplug and recharge – read a book, meditate or having a nice meal with your family can all help you relax during this stressful time.

Take care of your body.
During this cancer journey it’s important to take time to keep your body healthy – eat healthy foods, sleep, drink water and stay active. Don’t ignore your health because you are too focused on your loved one’s cancer. You can only be strong for them when you take care of yourself. Use these 7 tips on staying healthy as a starting point.

Keep a positive attitude.
You can’t always control what’s going on around you, but you can always control how you react to it. Keeping things positive, leaning on people around you and asking questions are all things you can do to help keep your environment positive.

Accept help.
Creating lists of daily tasks makes it easier to give out tasks to others when people ask to help you. Decide how you can split up these tasks based on who is asking at divvy up the work. Trust us, this will help you feel better and take off some of the weight on your shoulder immediately!

Utilize stress-management techniques.
Being a caregiver can also take a toll on your mental health. Exploring stress-management techniques can help immensely during this journey. Try yoga, daily mediation, therapy or another outlet to help lower your stress levels.

Set boundaries.
Being a fulltime caregiver can be a lot at times. Asking for help and setting boundaries will be key to a successful caregiving experience. No one can do everything, and you should never be ashamed admitting that. Setting your boundaries and asking for help will actually make you a better caregiver.

Consider professional and volunteer services.
Your loved one’s cancer care team should have information about professional and volunteer services that are local to you. Ask them about your options whether it’s for transportation, meals, part-time care givers or another need. You can also view a whole list of resources here.

You as a caregiver are doing an amazing job for your loved one, don’t forget that. If you are local to the Hinsdale area or frequenting our office, learn more about our partnership with The Wellness House.

Written By: Carolyn Reece

Reviewed By: Srilata Gundala, MD


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