Cancer patient at Hope and Healing Cancer Services, located in Hinsdale, IL, ringing a bell to indicate the end of chemotherapy treatment.

Treatment is Over!

Now what?

With improvements in care, treatment and medical technology, more and more cancer patients become cancer survivors. The physical, social, emotional, and spiritual impact of cancer can linger for years after successful treatment. Because of that, regular and ongoing follow-up care is very important for all cancer survivors.

Survivorship and follow-up programs provide support related to care coordination, physical changes, follow-up medical care, spiritual care and more so patients can move past cancer and return to their lives with support and care. At Hope & Healing Cancer Services, our concern for patient health does not stop after treatment has ended. We believe in helping our patients bridge the gap between treatment and moving forward to their life beyond cancer. Your survivorship treatment plan will include:

  • Monitoring for early detection of new or returning cancers

  • Regular physical tests with an overview and review of your recent medical history

  • Lifestyle coaching and tips to help reduce cancer risk

  • Management of cancer and treatment-related side effects

  • Referrals to community resources and support groups


The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship and the Cancer Survivors Network from the American Cancer Society provide excellent resources for our patients.