How Nutrition Can Affect Your Cancer Treatments

Most people think eating enough food to keep your body fueled is an easy no brainer. However, people going through cancer treatments, especially the ones that have bad side effects, this can be a hard task.

It’s important to have good nutrient heavy meals if you have cancer because your treatment (and the illness) can change the way you can. It can also change the way your body reacts to certain foods and its nutrients.

During your cancer treatment you may need to change your diet to help build up and keep your strength. This can include adding in items that wouldn’t normally be considered healthy: high-fat, high-calorie, liquid diets or cold foods. 

With factors such as type of cancer, stage of cancer, treatment plan and you as an individual, it’s very important to discuss with you doctor your nutrition needs. According to the American Cancer Society proper nutrition plan while going through your treatment might help you with:

  • Feel better overall

  • Increase your strength and energy

  • Maintain your weight

  • Lesson side effects

  • Lower infection risks

  • Heal faster

Eating a variety of foods will be beneficial in your fight against cancer. These foods can include nutrients such as:

  • Protein

  • Fat

  • Carbohydrates

  • Water

  • Vitamins

  • Minerals

  • Antioxidant

  • Phytonutrients

  • Herbs

If you have questions about what you should be eating during your cancer treatment be sure to consult your oncologist, primary care doctor or another professional on your care team.

Written By: Carolyn Reece, MSDM

Review By: Srilata Gundala, MD


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